I'm a software engineer passionate in open source technologies.
This is a project for me to experiment Scala and functional programming
Github Repo
Tech Stack: Scala.
The app shows currnent weather, 5-day forecast and Google map, and it provides a city search engine with name suggestion.
Github Repo
Tech Stack: ReactJS, ASP.NET Core, MongoDB, Microsft Azure
This dynamic 3D model was developed in modern C++, OpenGL Shader,and freeglut toolkit.
I developed the animation engine and renderer (per-fragment lighting) from scratch.
Github Repo
Tech Stack: C++, OpenGL, Freeglut.
User can search product and its review in the app. The app also shows popular keywords in all
reviews and predicts user's rating based on Sentiment Analysis.
Github Repo
Tech Stack: ReactJS, Flask, Python , Pandas, NLTK, scikit-learn
I developed the lay-over flight search function in depth-first-search algorithm and made all time-consuming tasks run asynchronously using worker threads
Github RepoTech Stack: Java, Java Swing, JUnit.
This is a pure command line app. It was designed to be lightweight and adaptable to various desktop environments on Linux via Bash scripts.
Github RepoTech Stack: Python, Bash, Unix domain socket.
I developed the obstalce-avoiding system using Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm, obstalce positions detected by stereo camera and ultrasonuc sensors.
DetailsTech Stack: C++, SRI Engine for Stero Camera, Qt.